Beauty Rebel

5 Common Beauty Myths

5 Common Beauty Myths

With 10-step routines, marketing spin lauding anti-ageing products, and an overwhelming amount of products in the market, it can be hard to sort fiction from fact when it comes to beauty. We love to tell it like it is (after all, our founder Sharon is known as a ‘truth speaker’ and the motto of our blog is sharing all the stuff the beauty industry doesn’t want you to know!) so here we debunk 5 common skincare and beauty myths to set the record straight. Myth 1. You need a specific type of cleanser  While it’s true that there are different...

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On age, womanhood, and enduring beauty: A personal essay from MV founder, Sharon McGlinchey

On age, womanhood, and enduring beauty: A personal essay from MV founder, Sharon McGlinchey

Part 1. The privilege of ageing  Age is - let's face it - a construct. We know that depending on where in the world we live, we may hold very different views on ageing. But, when exposed constantly to unrealistic images, the more we tend to question our own image staring back at us in the mirror. How funny that when we’re kids we think of being in our 20s as unimaginable, and when we're a teenager we think of being in our 30's as ancient. Once we hit our 20's, being 40-something is heading for retirement and as we hit...

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Flipping the script: Marketing done 'wrong'

Flipping the script: Marketing done 'wrong'

What do you think of when you hear the word marketing? When most people think about marketing, they might think of tactics like paid advertising via magazines, or television commercials, email marketing, or social media and influencer marketing. While the media landscape has changed over the years, brands typically follow a blueprint of how to 'successfully' market themselves in the modern landscape. And part of that, is never talking publicly about their marketing practices! We want to change that. We want to flip the script and explain our marketing strategy as it centers on empower women and men to feel...

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Transforming routine into ritual: The psychology behind beauty rituals

Transforming routine into ritual: The psychology behind beauty rituals

It's easy to assume that the self-care benefits of a skincare practice are simply a result of the specific products we use on our skin.  And of course, in many ways they are.  Topically applied products are absorbed into your bloodstream, which is why MV is 100% free of petrochemicals, parabens, mineral oils, and endocrine disrupters, just to name a few.  But research shows that when transformed from routine to ritual, a dedicated skincare practice can also have a positive impact on not just our physical well-being (i.e., our skin), but on our mental well-being as well.  The difference between...

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